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Dollvet Veteriner Aşıları


Inactivated Vaccine Against Rota, Corona and E.coli Infections in Cattle

Inactivated Vaccine Against Rota, Corona and E.coli Infections in Cattle




Pharmaceutical Formulation: Suspension for Injection

It is an inactivated vaccine administered to pregnant cows and heifers for passive immunization in calves against neonatal diarrhea, caused by Escherichia coli, rotavirus and coronavirus.

Active Substances

For each dose of vaccine;

Inactive Bovine rotavirus (BRV) strain G6 P(1)      ELISA ≥2.1 log10*

Inactive Bovine rotavirus (BRV) strain G10 P(11)  ELISA ≥2.1 log10*

Inactive Bovine rotavirus (BRV) strain G8 P(5)      ELISA ≥2.1 log10*

Inactive Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) strain             ELISA ≥2.1 log10*

Inactive E.coli EC (O1O1: H-K99+F41+) strain      SAT≥ 2.2 log10** (for K99 antigen)

Inactive E.coli 11A (O?:H-K99+:F(Y)+) strain       SAT≥ 2.2 log10** (for K99 antigen)

* ELISA: ELISA titer in guinea pigs vaccinated with ½ cattle dose

**SAT: Serum agglutination titer in guinea pigs vaccinated with ½ cattle dose


Aluminum hydroxide (Al+3) 1,5 mg/ml
Saponin 0,3 mg/ml

The vaccine is administered to pregnant cows twice; the first in the 7th-8th month of pregnancy, the latter 3 weeks after the first one, both by subcutaneous injection of 5 ml. In subsequent pregnancies, it is recommended to administer one dose 3-6 weeks prior to delivery.

Stored at + 2/8ºC, and in the dark. Do not freeze.

Shelf life is 24 months. Opened vials should be used within 6-8 hours.

The vaccine is packaged in 5, 25, 50 and 100 ml type II glass bottles and 50 and 100 ml polypropylene plastic bottles, as 1 dose, 5 doses, 10 doses and 20 doses.

Vaccine bottles are available on the market as 5 ml / 1 dose in single-pack cardboard boxes, 10-pack cardboard boxes or plastic viols; 25 ml / 5 doses, 50 ml / 10 doses and 100 ml / 20 doses of glass and plastic packs in single-unit cardboard boxes or as packaged in styrofoam without boxes. Not all forms of packaging may be placed on the market.



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